Located in the heart of Vermont, Copper & Birch is your destination for custom and seasonal wreaths, as well as immersive wreath-making workshops. Our passion lies in capturing the essence of each season, infusing nature's elegance into our meticulously crafted wreaths, and sharing our creative expertise with you through hands-on workshops. Whether you're looking for a unique wreath to adorn your space or seeking to unleash your inner artist, Copper & Birch is your gateway to the beauty of Vermont's changing seasons.

The wreaths at Copper and Birch are timeless and work with every season! We had a space in our home that we struggled to decorate. After adding a C&B wreath, the space now feels so warm and cozy.
I immediately had to buy one for our front door! Kristen has made her wreaths pieces of art, and I love how they can elevate a space both inside and out!


Craft, Sip & Socialize
Grab your best friends and join us for a fun evening out to socialize, drink wine (BYOB), learn a new skill and take home a wreath that you create!

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